Meet the Team: TLC Medical Director, Dr. Michele McCutcheon

Dr. McCutcheon is a cheesehead from Wisconsin who went to vet school at Colorado State University.  She has lived in nine states and has been involved in many aspects of veterinary medicine. From working at the very first chain of veterinary clinics in Detroit to owning her own practice.  She also worked for 6 years in corporate sales and campaigned with international veterinary groups before finding a great fit at TLC PetSnip. Dr. McCutcheon has been with TLC PetSnip since 2014 and is our current Medical Director. She says she works to afford her many vacations, and is a health and fitness nut. 

Her dual trained service/therapy dog Struggles, rescued during the pandemic, is the current joy in her life. When not working you’ll find her in hot yoga, competing in triathlons, working with local rescues, and traveling the world. 

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