Changes to Spay/Neuter Pricing

At TLC PetSnip, Inc., we strive to manage costs wherever possible and to minimize any price increase to our clients. However, we find it necessary to raise prices for Spay/Neuter as of March 1, 2022. Our efforts to improve efficiency and quality continue to be outpaced by supply cost and general overhead cost increases. Both public and rescue prices will be increasing.

We appreciate your support tremendously, and everyone’s lifesaving efforts. Appointment availability will be increasing as we are bringing on several new veterinarians to the team at both locations and with the Surgical Center expansion in Lakeland becoming close to finished.

It’s our mission to provide safe, affordable access to veterinary care. By preventing unwanted litters from ever being born fewer homeless dogs and cats end up in over-burdened shelters where they face euthanasia and affordable care means that less animals end up in the shelter as financial burdens to their owners. Thank you for your understanding, and your part in helping us reach our goals.

Check out our full services and pricing list below!

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