
Capital Campaign

With an approved business plan in place, a few acres of land secured, and a dedicated community that helped us raise $75,000 we were set to open a small, 1700 sq ft, clinic in a modular structure. Then we were presented an even greater opportunity to help Marion County's pets. We were the fortunate recipients of an 11,000 sq ft facility on 22 acres of land. This dream come true of course meant a slight modification to our construction plans. Now we will be renovating 3,000 sq ft of this new facility, and have a more permanent home with plenty of room to grow. Our original business plan allowed us to finance the modular structure, and outlined a few months of running costs. This is where our original goal of $75,000 came from. Once open we would be starting to sustain operating costs, and we would have started a capital campaign to pay off our loan on the clinic. With a reanalysis of our business plan VOCAL will no longer be looking to finance, but instead fully fund the project. With this new board approved plan we are working to raise an additional $250,000. With the momentum we already have from our original campaign, and supporters inspired by tours of our newly acquired facility we are well on our way to achieving this new goal. Please consider contributing today to help us open this tremendous asset for Marion County's pet population. Together we will save lives and help create a much more sustainable solution for our county's animal population control.



Learn more about our mission and plans for expansion


Let’s work together!

Help us with our mission to create more opportunities for quality care for the pets in our community by donating to our capital campaign