
All surgeries are performed by a licensed veterinarian with the help of certified veterinary technicians and caring support staff.
Please feel free to contact us today with any questions.
Spay/Neuter is the Solution
By preventing unwanted litters from ever being born, fewer unwanted litters are born and therefore fewer homeless dogs and cats end up in over-burdened shelters where they face euthanasia.
Spay/Neuter Benefits the Community
Stray and roaming animals can be dangerous to the community; they may bite and attack other pets and people and cause vehicular accidents by running across roads. Communities spend millions of dollars to control unwanted animals, including the fees of dog wardens and the costs to collect, house and feed the homeless animals. According to the Humane Society of the United States, it costs an average of $176 to collect, shelter and euthanize a single animal. In Polk County alone, over $3 million is spent annually on animal control and dog warden services. This does not include indirect amounts spent by our health, fire and police departments on animal-related issues and by our courts on animal abuse/neglect cases. So, even if you don’t own a pet, you still pay for this. And, since it is money spent to treat symptoms and not causes, you’ll pay for it again year after year.

Spay/Neuter Pricing
All Spay/Neuters include exam by veterinarian, e-collar (dogs ONLY), pre-surgical pain injection, and pain medication to go home.
All Dogs 2-50lbs: $195
All Dogs 51lbs and up: $215
Puppies under 7 months and have completed all three puppy packages at TLC PetSnip: $125
All Cats: $105
Kittens under 7 months with the completion of all 3 kitten packages at TLC PetSnip: $80
*Additional Services available at the time of surgery*
Payment is required in full the day of service. We accept cash, VISA, Discover, Mastercard, and Care Credit. Proof of a current rabies vaccine (rabies certificate or vet record) is required at time of surgery. If you do not have proof, your pet will receive a one-year rabies vaccine at the time of surgery for an additional cost of $21. Dog surgical drop off time is 7:30 a.m. Cat surgical drop off time is 8:00 a.m. There will be a $35 late fee for pickup after 5:00PM, unless prior agreement was made.
Contact us to learn more about payment options through CareCredit

Pre-Op Instruction
Please follow these simple instructions before your pet’s surgery to ensure their safety and health. Feel free to contact us today with any questions.
Do not give your adult pet ANYTHING to eat after midnight the night prior to surgery. This includes bones, rawhides, treats, etc. You should continue to give your pet water. Puppies and kittens 6 months of age and younger may eat up until 6:00AM. the day of surgery.
The day of your scheduled surgery, drop off for your dog is 7:30AM and your cat is 8:00AM. All dogs must be on a leash and cats need to be in a secure carrier. Please allow 15-30 minutes for the check-in process. One surgery form will need to be filled out and signed per animal. Once you have completed paperwork, a client care specialist will go over questions with you and a Veterinary Technician will take your animal back.

Post-Op Instructions
Please closely monitor your pet during the 7–10 day recovery period and strictly follow these mandatory post-operative care instructions. Contact us today with any questions.
Limit activity for at least one week after surgery.
No running, jumping, playing, swimming or other strenuous activity for 7-10 days after surgery. Pets must be kept indoors to rest and stay clean, dry and warm. No baths during the recovery period. Dogs must be taken outside on a leash, even in a fenced-in yard.Check the incision site at least two times a day.
Do not allow your pet to lick or chew at the incision site. If this occurs, an Elizabethan collar (E-collar) MUST be put on immediately to prevent injury to the surgical site (can be purchased at TLC PetSnip for $5 or at local pet stores). You can also use boxer shorts to cover the incision (stick the tail through the opening). TLC PetSnip is not liable for any self-induced trauma resulting from not using an E-collar. There may be a FIRM LUMP under the incision as the dissolvable sutures break down for several weeks. This is normal. There are no external sutures, unless otherwise noted. Redness and swelling should be minimal.Do not give your pet human pain medication.
Pain Medication that lasts 24 hours was given to your pet at the time of surgery. DO NOT give your pet any human pain relievers (like aspirin, Advil, Tylenol, etc.). These medications have the potential to be toxic to your pet.Monitor appetite and activity level for 24 hours after surgery.
Appetite and activity level should gradually return to normal within 24 hours after surgery. Lethargy or lack of appetite lasting more than 24 hours, severe diarrhea or persistent vomiting are NOT normal and you should contact us promptly at 863-686-7647 if these symptoms occur. Pets may have a slight cough for a few days after surgery.Keep a consistent diet for at least one week after surgery.
Do not change your pet’s diet for 7 to 10 days after surgery and DO NOT give any people food or table scraps during the recovery period. These could mask post-operative complications.Quarantine female pets who were in heat before surgery.
If your female pet was in heat you MUST keep her away from intact (not neutered) and recently neutered males for TWO weeks or serious complications may result. It is normal to have some spotting of blood or mild discharge for up to 2 weeks after surgery. Please contact us if it continues longer than 2 weeks.*Your pet received a green tattoo next to their incision to show the pet has been altered. The tattoo is a scoring process of the skin and is permanent. It is NOT an extra incision.